Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dirty Sanchez

I put a call out on the Etsy forums a few days ago for suggestions on new shops to interview. DirtySanchez came highly reccomended because Rache was, apparently, a riot. Well, you folks don't tell any lies. I write these interviews so that we can get to know the sellers behind the great handcrafted items, and I just don't know what else to do with this than post it just as it is. Be sure you put your drinks down, we are not responsible for nasal soda burn caused by hystarical laughter. So, without further ado, my interview from soaper Rache of DirtySanchez, with only a tiny cut to make it PG:

Your Name:
Your Shop Name:
Is there a story behind your shop name?

the other day my mom was sitting on my couch, next to a pile of soaps ready to be shipped.

mom: is that for your friends?
me: no, that's the stuff i sell online.
mom, putting on old-lady glasses to get a better look: dirty...sanchez... clean that... oh, rachel.
me: what, it's doing pretty well.
mom: well, i'm glad, but that logo isn't very nice... what's "dirty sanchez?"
me, trying not to look at husband, because then we'll both become hysterical: it's something rude. you probably wouldn't appreciate it if i explained it.
mom: and the people that buy this? they know what it means?
me: uh... probably.

the dual morals of this story are a) it's funny to hear your mom say "dirty sanchez," and b) if you're going to start a business of questionable taste, it's probably better to work out of your bedroom, instead of your livingroom.

What made you decide to open your own shop?

pressure from the kremlin. the former soviet republics have some real hygiene issues.

What is your favorite material to use?


Talk briefly about your favorite item:

i'm a big fan of the 1969 corvette, as well as dry-roasted nuts, the pilot G-2 gel pen, and the zipper.

What are your creative inspirations?

dirt, poop, that sort of thing.

Are you a crafter full time or part time?
If part time, how do you find time to create?

it's hard to really qualify myself as full-time or part-time; my day is broken down into sections, generally. a typical schedule might looks something like this:

1:00pm - wake up
1:05pm - clear a path through empty beer cans to bathroom
1:57pm - nap
4:09pm - pour a glass of breakfast with a twist of lime, check replies to personal ad placed on craigslist
4:17pm - more breakfast, consider crafting something
4:45pm - lunch
4:83pm - trip over dog on the way to the soap supply closet, curse its lineage, attempt to have it claimed by animal control. dinner.
cat'n seee clokc anymre - why am i in thsi closet?
hey. therse booz in hre. rite on.

so as you can see, while i have a great deal going on in both my professional and personal life, by carefully balancing my day's activities, i can get it all done.

Do you have any advice for other shop owners?

quit now, you'll never be as hard-core awesome as i am so why waste your time! mwahahahaha.

Tell me any other interesting things about yourself you'd like for me to include in your article:

i have 28 teeth, i speak one language, i can fit 175 drinking straws in my mouth, and if you're anywhere near me when i burp, i'm totally gonna blame it on you.


Jenn said...

LOL, too funny :) Great interview!

goldie said...

it is a great shop, huh? the artist is a trip. I too love the gel pen. great choice of shop reviews.

Christy/Tiddly Inks Digitals said...

I would soooooo buy soap from her! LOL

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

The most interesting etsy interview I have ever read..Very cool.

Free Art Printables said...

What great post. I am impressed with the drinking straw thing!Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I'll be having another giveaway in a few weeks! :) Jen

Steven Underwood said...

Amazing great work. How awesome work. Really funny.

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